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Installation and Setup

To start using this library, you need to decide the message broker you are using. The core library, graphql-eventbus, provides a framework to create an event bus powered by GraphQL. We have two libraries that provides an implementation of the event bus using RabbitMQ and Google Pubsub as the message broker. It's very easy to create an implementation using your favorite message broker as covered in the Create Your Bus section in the tour. To follow the example in examples/rabbit-mq uses RabbitMQ event bus.


npm i graphql-eventbus


npm i graphql-eventbus-rabbitmq

Google Pubsub

# use this for using google pubsub as the message broker
npm i graphql-eventbus-pubsub

Peer Dependency

npm i graphql@latest

To create GraphQL documents, use the graphql-tag library

npm i graphql-tag

For code generation, install the following packages:

npm i -D @graphql-codegen/cli @graphql-codegen/typescript @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations graphql-eventbus-codegen

See the next section to follow a sample example.